Hot lunch online ordering is open until December 22, to order, please send your paper orders to the office
Classes resume on Monday, January 8
Service Learning 9 students: come dressed to walk outside. We will be going to the Senior’s home today.
Drum roll please… we have the winners of the 2017 9BC Reindeer Games. In third place, the JE Jellyfish with 156 points, in second place team Landry with 158 points and in first place with 165 points: The Yetis!! We would also like to congratulate Team Landry for being chosen as the Most Sportsmanlike team. Landry and Yetis come to the gym at the break to claim your prizes.
ALL basketball players - you must order your JE Adidas Athletic Hoodies by 3pm today! You can order on Powerschool or see Mr Mistol for a paper copy.
We wish all of our JE families a very wonderful Christmas season and a restful break.