Grade 9 students please send your photos to Mr. Slade by April 1.
Have a terrific weekend!
Welcome to the online home for the J.E. Lapointe Daily Announcements. We will attempt to post announcements by 9:00am on a daily basis.
Grade 9 students please send your photos to Mr. Slade by April 1.
Have a terrific weekend!
Reminder Gr 8 & 9 Band will be together during Blocks 5 & 6 today.
An Iphone has been turned into the office.
This is another reminder for grade nine students to get your farewell pictures into Mr. Slade ASAP.
Last Day to Order Sabre Wear!! You have until midnight. Log onto to order
Pink Shirt Day - All staff and students were encouraged to wear pink on this day, to act with kindness towards all people, and to build awareness around how our actions and words affect others. Please take time to be thoughtful in your words and your actions today and every day.
Today will be another beautiful day - enjoy your time outside at lunch!
This is another reminder for grade nine students to get your farewell pictures into Mr. Slade ASAP.
Pink Shirt Day tomorrow.
Sabre Wear order deadline is tomorrow. Log onto to order.
Deadline to order your Sabre Wear is Wednesday Feb 24th!
Parent Teacher tonight from 3:30-6PM An email was sent this morning with the Zoom links.
Pink Shirt day is Wednesday!!
Grade nine students. Please remember to forward your farewell photos to Mr. Slade by April 1.
It is Pink Shirt Day next Wednesday, so wear your pink shirts or, if you don’t have one, wear a red one over a white one…you can also purchase at London Drugs.
Parent Teacher Interviews are Monday, February 22. There are still a few openings, log onto to register (a reminder email will be sent out Monday morning with link to Virtual meeting)
Doors Open - 8:10 a.m. starting on Monday (now that the extreme cold weather has moved on)
Gr 9 immunization forms are due.
Sabre Wear now available to order online (orders due by Feb. 24), to order
Grade 9 immunization forms are due back as soon as possible.
Parent-teacher conferences will be held tonight as well as next Monday Feb 22nd.
Jersey Day today!
Parent-teacher conferences held virtually this coming Thursday as well as next Monday. to register
Mr. Slade now has a farewell picture from one person in each class EXCEPT 9E. Would all grade nine students please get their pictures into Mr. Slade as soon as possible.
Grade 9 immunization forms are due back as soon as possible.
Jersey Day tomorrow - Oilers vs Jets
There will be a meeting for all BHA students during lunch. Please meet in the gym at 12:26pm.
Reminder for French immersion teachers of our OLEP funding meeting at 3:15 p.m. today.
As the weather warms up this week, we will be heading outdoors once again for noon recess. It may even be warm enough today, and if so, please make sure you are dressed very warmly.
Parent-teacher conferences held virtually this coming Thursday as well as next Monday. Your parents can choose either evening to hold a phone or zoom interview with your teachers. Often, students join these conversations, too!
March 14th is Pi Day...26 days away. How many can you recall? The winner this year gets a pizza pi!
Black Gold School Division would like to acknowledge that we are located within the boundaries of Treaty 6. This land is the ancestral and traditional territory of many Indigenous peoples of this area, including the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Dene, Nakota Sioux and Métis. We would also like to acknowledge the traditional knowledge holders and Elders who are still with us today and those who have gone before us.
Family Day Monday- Have a wonderful Family Day Long weekend!
Sabre Wear is here! The link was sent home in the Sabre Scoop Monday and it is also on our School Website
Wear your Valentine colors on Friday (red, pink, white)
Please check the lost and found near the gym. All items that are not claimed will be donated on Friday.
Sabre wear (tshirts, hoodies, sweats) can now be ordered online, the link was sent home in this week’s Sabre Scoop.
Parent Teacher appointments open today at 1pm log onto to book
Wear your Valentine colors on Friday (red, pink, white)
Sabre wear (tshirts, hoodies, sweats) can now be ordered online, the link was sent home in this week’s Sabre Scoop.
Parent Teacher interviews will take place Feb. 18 & 22. Registration opens Wednesday at 1PM.
Early Dismissal today - class schedule:
Block 1 (8:33 - 9:22)
Block 2 (9:25 - 10:14)
Block 3 (10:17 - 11:06)
Block 4 (11:09 - 11:58)
LUNCH 1 (11:58 - 12:17)
LUNCH 2 (12:17 - 12:36)
Block 5 (12:39 - 1:26)
Block 6 (1:29 - 2:16)
Teachers Convention Feb. 4 & 5 - no school. Classes resume on Monday, February 8th.
A pair of glasses were found, please come to the office to claim.
A ladies black glove was found, please claim in the office
Grade nines - with your four days off, please find a farewell picture for Mr. Slade, and please recreate it!
Early dismissal tomorrow.
Thursday & Friday, Feb. 4 & 5 Teacher's Convention - no classes
Found in the gym on Thursday, a bracelet and eyeglasses. Come to the office to claim.
All students and staff, please refrain from using the East doors at the end of the modulars until further notice. For now, students who typically use that door, please use the door closest to the modulars on the south side of the school (back). Thank you.
Today, 9E students are welcome to drop in to the gym during the first half of the noon hour to participate in dodgeball. 7E students are welcome to do the same for the second half of the noon hour. Students must wear clean indoor runners. Thanks, Mrs. Dorash!
Thanks to M Morin and a group of students who participated in Black Gold’s day of STEM learning this past Friday. It sounds like it was a super day!
Welcome to our new and Distance Learning students!
Wednesday is Early Dismissal
Early Dismissal class schedule:
Block 1 (8:33 - 9:22)
Block 2 (9:25 - 10:14)
Block 3 (10:17 - 11:06)
Block 4 (11:09 - 11:58)
LUNCH 1 (11:58 - 12:17)
LUNCH 2 (12:17 - 12:36)
Block 5 (12:39 - 1:26)
Block 6 (1:29 - 2:16)
Thursday, Feb. 4 & Friday, February 5th - Teachers Convention, no school. classes resume on Monday, February 8