Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Wednesday, March 24 Day 3

 ESBCHS Roadshow presentation for gr 9's from 10:30-11:30 today

Jersey Day today

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Tuesday, March 23 Day 2

 Students are reminded not to leave school grounds at lunch unless your parent has given you permission to go home for lunch.

Tomorrow is Jersey Day!

ESBCHS will be doing the virtual Roadshow Wednesday at 10:30 for the Grade 9's transitioning to Gr. 10.

Monday, 22 March 2021

Monday, March 22 Day 1

Grade nines - Mr. Slade would like your farewell pics by April 6th.

ESBCHS Gr 9 to 10 transition virtual presentation in class 10:30-11:30 on Wednesday, March 24

Friday, 19 March 2021

Friday, March 19 Day 5

 1 Day until Spring!

School photos were taken yesterday, students were give a sheet with a code to order online. Retake date TBD.

Occasionally the school sends out important information via text, ie; attendance absences. If you have not yet opted in please text Y to 978-338

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Wednesday, March 17 Day 3

 School Photos are tomorrow - please don’t wear green.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone!

What do you say if you lose a game on St. Patrick's Day? Game clover.

Why are leprechauns so good at gardening? They have green thumbs!

What do you call an Irish spider? Paddy-long-legs.


Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Tuesday, March 16 Day 2

Sabre Wear - did you miss out on the last order? Order yours today, the link went home in the Sabre scoop! 

Tomorrow is Jersey Day Oilers vs Senators

PI Day - The digits are in and they are outstanding.  In third place for the numbers of pi recited is Emily Girard with 124.  Second place goes to Nathan Dzik with 130!  And first place goes to Isaac Levesque with a total of 139 digits of pi!  Incredible work.

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Thursday, March 11 Day 5

Today is Day 5 

PD day tomorrow - no classes

School photos - Thursday, March 18 (DL students drop in between 2:00 & 3:00 p.m.)

Monday, 8 March 2021

Monday, March 8 Day 1

 Tweak week, Thursday, March 11 is Day 5

PD Day Friday, March 12 - no classes

Friday, 5 March 2021

Friday, March 5 Day 5

 One week is Pi Day!  March 14.  In celebration of this historic holiday, we are giving all students the day off!  However, if you think you might know tons of digits of pi, let your math teacher know because on March 13 we will see who the school champion will be for the 2021 school year.  You could win a pizza pie.

Mr. Slade is looking for grade nine farewell pictures.  Please get them in by April 1.

We are starting a Nutrition program today and each homeroom will hand out healthy snacks. 

Sabre Wear clothing order is in and will be distributed today.

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Thursday, March 4 Day 4

 Students are reminded to please use their designated door.

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Tuesday, March 2 Day 2

Tomorrow is Early Dismissal & Jersey Day (Oilers vs Leafs)

Just a reminder as the snow starts to melt, please make sure that you have clean, indoor shoes for gym

Monday, 1 March 2021