- All band students are reminded to get their theory and practice sheets signed by next Monday, October 31st.
- For this week only, Day 2 Choir is moving to tomorrow because Mrs. Baron is going to be away on your normal choir day
- There are a few chocolate and white milk left over from yesterday’s Milk Monday. They are $1 for a small and $2 for a large. See Mrs. Baron in her music room at lunch or morning recess break if you are interested in buying one.If any students missed the milk order deadline or were absent from school when the order forms were due, you can still buy milk for the rest of the year. Please return your forms and payment by November 1st. If you have lost your form, please see Mrs. Baron for a new one.
- District boys and girls volleyball games today afterschool here at J.E. Lapointe. Come cheer on your Sabres!
- Reminder - Flu season is upon us. Please wash regularly and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue.