The sign-up sheets are up for mini boys and girls basketball. Please go to the athletic board outside of the gym if you are interested in trying out.
A reminder that all Jr. High boys will be at the arena for Phys. Ed next week.
Choir practices will resume on the regular days and times next week with new Christmas music to work on;
Grade 6,7 , & 8 Choir is on Tuesday @ 12:10
Grade 5 Choir on Wednesday @ 12:10
Grade 4 Choir on Thursday @ 12:10
All band members in grade 6, 7, & 8 are reminded to hand in their theory or practice sheets. This does not include your November theory and practice, just September and October. As this is an important part of your Term 1 mark, please make a note in your agenda to hand these items in.
Whistler Trip students are reminded to hand in their cookie dough and Mundare orders and payment today please
Milk Monday order forms have been sent home for any students wanting to buy white or chocolate milk. Please make sure these forms are brought home, filled out by your parents and returned with payment by this Monday, Nov. 19th
Jazz band practice is today at 12:10
Mrs. Baron needs to see ALL students going on the Whistler trip right after the announcements for a very brief meeting in the music room.
The premier boys volleyball team will have a practice today after school.
Thank to the premier boys volleyball team who donated their time last night to volunteer to cook a meal for the families at the Ronald McDonald House in Edmonton.
Any soapstone students who would like to work on their projects at lunch can come to Mrs. Duru’s room at 12:30.
Movember – In support of Prostate Cancer research and our male staff the female staff have donned “mustaches” for the day. Any donations can be made to Mr. Maltais. Thank you! |
Home Ec. Projects are to be handed in today to Mrs. Slade
Girls Circle – please bring pencil crayons/felts today.
Welcome to the online home for the J.E. Lapointe Daily Announcements. We will attempt to post announcements by 9:00am on a daily basis.