Thursday, 24 January 2013

If you would like a badminton racquet by Monday, please bring in your payment to Mr. Mistol by tomorrow.

There will be a choir meeting and practice for anyone who signed up to sing TODAY at 12 noon. Choir members that have not returned their permission forms are asked to bring them as well please.

Jazz band will practices will continue tomorrow at 12 noon.
Geography challenge – The earliest European fisherman came to Canada’s east coast in search of this species of fish. Name this fish.
There are still a few students who have not paid for their Leduc Music Festival solo, duet, trio or quartet. There are also some students who have not yet chosen music.

If you have payment, please hand it in to Mrs. Baron ASAP.

If you have not chosen music, please make sure you see Mrs. Baron when you come to your regular band class.
Today’s hot lunch is Raad’s

District girls basketball – you have practice Friday at 7:30 am.  Don’t be late!

Mrs Dorash’s girls pe classes – you will be doing dance on Friday NOT badminton, please remember your music.  Boys – you will be in the gym doing badminton.

Premier girls basketball have a practice at lunch in the gym, please be ready at 12:15 ready to go!  The Premier Boys are welcome to join for a shoot around.

Mini girls also have practice at lunch in the gym so please by ready by 12:15!
The Grade 7 & Grade 8 band members going to the Whistler Music Festival will be having a bake sale TOMORROW. All items will be $1.00 with all money being raised for their trip to BC this spring.

Jr. High students can come to the bake sale from 12 – 12:20 & the elementary from 12:30 – 12:50.
Any band members that have a Whistler payment are also reminded to hand it in to Mrs. Baron by tomorrow please.
Geography challenge – The earliest European fisherman came to Canada’s east coast in search of this species of fish. Name this fish.