Friday, 17 January 2014

  • Day 5
  • 80’s day today!
  • The music room is open for practice today; today is open band practice.
  • Band members are reminded to hand in their practice sheets for December. Please get yours signed and handed in by the end of the month.
  • Band members planning to play a solo, duet, trio or quartet at the Leduc Music Festival are also reminded their forms and payment are due today.
  • Congratulations to the Premier Boys Basketball Team on a solid win in the opening game of their season.  Next week they host Coloniale so come on out and cheer them on.
  • Another congratulations goes out to the district boys.  They played great in their loss to a much older and bigger team.
  • Congratulations to the District Girls Basketball Team, who had a great first game, but ended up losing in overtime.  
  • Great job to the Premier girls, you put forth a great effort! Reminder you have practice Monday morning at 7:20.  Don’t be late!!
  • All elementary students who signed up to run in the Edmonton Journal Relay Games, please meet in the gym for a practice at 12:10.
  • If you want a badminton racquet by Monday, make sure to get your money in to Mr. Mistol today.
  • Jasper Ski Trip update. - The first bus is sold out. Registration forms and money are now being taken for a second bus. Bus #2 will be on sale until Feb. 10. Please get your money and form in to reserve your seat on the second bus. Please see Mrs. Nessel if you have any questions.
  • Leduc County Ski & Snowboard Experience, Saturday, February 8th. Information sheets available in the office.
  • Home ec students - Classy threads orders and money are due on Monday. If you are planning on purchasing a kit please get your order form and money to Mrs. Nessel.
  • The Home ec room is still open for anyone that wants to work on projects. 7:30 am or select days after school.
  • This is a reminder for the Science Olympians that we will again meet on Tuesday at 3:20