Badminton drop in for all grade 7 boys is tomorrow morning at 7:15am. Try-outs will begin next week.
Music room practice this week is back to normal;
Today - Grade 7 & 8 Choir
tomorrow - open band practice
All Band members are reminded to bring their practice sheets to class for marking by tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 28th. This is a report card deadline, so any January sheets handed in after this date will not be accepted.
Sign up sheets for Leduc Music festival solos, duets and trios are up. There are before school times, lunch hour and after school times, so please come to the music room at the recess or lunch break to sign up
The Science Olympics team is in desperate need of help. One member has had to withdraw only three days before the competition. If you are a junior high student and are interested in coming to the Olympics for some friendly competition on Saturday, please see Mr. Slade ASAP.
All Jasper Ski Trip participants - tomorrow is the big day. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOUR NAME IS ON THE MASTER LIST POSTED OUTSIDE OF THE STAFF ROOM DOOR AS WE HAVE HAD SEVERAL CHANGES.Please make sure that you bring all of your gear, and money. Do not bring anything that you would be upset if you lost it. Be in the FRONT parking lot between 4-4:15am the bus leaves at 4:30 sharp - no exceptions
To all students NOT attending the ski trip - it is a regular school day and you are required to be here tomorrow.
Home ec students - theory packages and textile projects from the first half of this term are due today. Please talk to Mrs. Nessel if you have any issues with this. Check power school to see how NOT handing in these items has affected your mark.
The room is not open tonight, but will be open every morning next week at 7:30 am and select days after school for students that want to work on projects.
Hot lunch today is Maina’s.
District boys basketball practice is today at noon.
Welcome to the online home for the J.E. Lapointe Daily Announcements. We will attempt to post announcements by 9:00am on a daily basis.