Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Music room practices this week are as follows;
Today - Grade 4, 5 & 6 choir @ 12:10
Wednesday - jazz band @ 12:30
Thursday - Grade 7 & 8 choir @ 12:10
If you are member of the choir, please make an effort to be at these practices. The Leduc Music festival performances are coming up, so it is very important that you remember to attend.
Jazz band members are asked to stay in their homerooms to eat their lunch this week, as Mrs. Baron will be out of the school until 12:30. Practice this week will start at 12:30.
Elementary pancake lunch is today.  Please send a runner down at 12:35 to pick up your pancakes.  Junior High pancake lunch will be tomorrow.
Premier girls basketball practice today 3:20 - 4:30
Mrs. Baron’s Outdoor Ed Active Living class is reminded to be prepared for your Launch Pad field trip tomorrow. You need to be wearing or bringing your gym clothes. Also be sure to check with your teachers to see what you are going to be missing period 3 tomorrow and make sure your parents have completed the online waiver form.
Mr. Mistol’s grade 7CF PE class will be in the gym today.
The Home Ec. room will not be open after school today.
If you are playing a Leduc Music Festival solo, duet or trio, be sure to sign up for a practice time with Mrs. Baron.