Monday, 15 September 2014

  • All students who have signed up for Cross Country, please come to Room 113 after the announcements for your permission form for the race September 25th.  There will be a x-country practice tomorrow after school.

  • Any Grade 6 band students that are going to Camp Evergreen must go to the band room today at first recess for a very important note and meeting.

  • Mrs. Baron would like to invite any Grade 6, 7 or 8 students to sign up to join the school choir. Practices will be Tuesdays at lunch starting in October. Anyone who is interested should sign up in the music room.

  • The jazz band practice time is changed this year to Wednesday mornings at 7:30am. Any grade 7 or 8 band student is welcome to sign up. If there is enough interest, practices will start in October.

  • Premier Boys Volleyball, the final team roster has been posted outside the gym. There will be a team meeting today at 12:05 in room 116.

  • Premier girls and district girls tryouts continue today afterschool… thanks!

  • Terry Fox run/walk on Thursday. Students are asked to bring a toonie donation.