Monday, 1 February 2016

New quarterly Options Today

Winter Walk Day on Wednesday. Please dress warmly for a refreshing walk through the community.

Student Lounge -  7ABC

Senior girls practice today after school: 3:10 - 4:15
Music room practices this week are
Today - open band and festival practice
Tomorrow - choir at 12:14
Wednesday - there will be a combined practice for Sr. & Jr. Jazz band at 7:30am

Band members are reminded that pizza kit orders are due by Wednesday.

January practice sheets are now being accepted

Edmonton Symphony forms are due by Feb.9th. If you would like to attend, please return your form to Mrs. Baron by then

This week is the last week to hand in your scuba diving form. Anyone who has handed in their form already is reminded to come to the music room at lunch on Monday, Feb. 8th to watch the instructional video. If you have already watched the video, please see Mrs. Baron that day for your medical forms.

Mr. Leeb’s Strategic Games class from term 2 - Please pick up your board games to take home.

Soapstone class will be in room 114, not the Tech ed room

French band Grade 8 and 9 practice after school today