Students, please be sure to have a pencil and an eraser for your homeroom period 3 class. Please go directly to your homeroom after the break and be ready to begin class when the bell rings at 10:15. Thank you.
Students who auditioned for the Drama play: we have not yet decided on our cast and we would like a see a few of you a second time. Please see the drama room door for the list of call-backs. This second round of auditions will take place Thursday at 3:15.
If your name is not on the call back list, that does not mean you didn’t make the play.
The list of students who made the play will be decided on and posted by this Friday morning.
Any homeroom teachers who have not yet picked up your survey packages from the main office, please do so immediately following the announcements.
French Band practice after school today
All students who gave Mrs. DeBoer a set/costume crew application please meet in Mrs. DeBoer’s room today at 12:34 for a brief meeting.
The Grade 8 Band students who signed up for FOODS & TEXTILES are to meet Mrs. Nessel for FLEX period 4 & 5 today.
The students that signed up for the Mixed Martial Arts workout block 4 today should change into their gym clothes for the workout. Please also bring your water bottle if you have one.
Parent Council has arranged for a fun and exciting evening for all the students of JE Lapointe School. Come on out February 8 from 7pm to 9:30pm for A Much Music Dance Party! Much Music provides a large screen for music videos, DJ lighting, fog machines, a live DJ and the chance for everyone to request the music they want to hear. We also have door prizes to be won! This is for you! The students! Come out and enjoy something new! Tickets go on sale at lunch hour the week of January 30! $10 that week or $13 at the door!
Sr. Boys basketball practice is today after school.
The school council will be hosting a Used Book Sale in the library on January 30th from 9 am to 8 pm! The money raised will go towards school literacy initiatives. We are accepting donations of gently used books until January 27th. There is a drop off box in the library.
Parent teacher interviews are Monday, January 30. An email will be sent with sign up information.