If there are any students who are interested in scrap booking during your Flex periods, please see Mrs Duru in room 118 during a break today.
Students on the set committee for the school play: we will meet today at 3:15pm.
FLEX sign up for tomorrow: block 1 and 2: grade 8, block 3 and 4: grade 9, block 5 or later: grade 7.
Some new sessions to look out for: Grease Musical theatre, Actor auditions for student created one act plays, zentangles, fairy tales by movie stars and much more!!! Check out the sessions descriptions posted on the website.
Health 7B - please bring your pencil crayons to Health.
Junior Boys basketball meet in the gym right afterschool to prepare for your game.
We need actors! Sign up next flex during period 4 to audition for a short student created play!
7BC Girls Phys. Ed - We are outside today, please meet in the front foyer.
Last call for Mundare orders - drop off in M. Morin’s room today
Jazz band members….there will NOT be a practice tomorrow morning. Practices will continue next week.
Choir practice today
All Sr. boys basketball players need to see Mr. Mistol sometime today.
Tomorrow's hot lunch is Wok Box.