Tuesday, 19 September 2017

This year we will honour survivors of residential schools by wearing orange shirts on Friday, Sept 29. If you would purchase an orange shirt for that day, you can buy one on Powerschool for $11. Orders need to be in by Thursday, Sept 21.

There will be a boys’ volleyball tryout today after school.

Anyone who is in Mrs. Duru’s Aqua Sports option can go to room 118 at lunch recess to get ready to catch the bus.  If you choose to go outside for lunch recess, please make sure to be out at the bus at 1pm.  Don’t get left behind!

School council and fundraising association tonight at 7pm in the staff room. All welcome.

There will be a brief meeting for all students interested in x-country during the lunch recess in Mr. Morin's room. The race occurs during a school day, so it will not interfere with any other sports or activities you do.

In the gym at lunch recess - grade 8’s

Purple Health forms - please bring to the office

Returning student registration - parents please complete in Powerschool under the Returning student tab on left of screen.