Friday, 15 June 2018

Ms. Gervais’ Health students are reminded that Community Service Hours need to be completed and handed in no later than Monday, June 18th.

Band students are reminded that your instruments are to be taken home by Monday. There are still quite a few in the band room as of this morning. If you are not taking band next year, it is your responsibility to take it home for your parents to return. The school does not return instruments.

Popcorn Sale: Thursday at lunch, “Me to We” students will be hosting a popcorn sale with profits going to “Zoe’s Animal Rescue”. You can purchase a bag of freshly popped corn for $1 while helping out animals in need. Flavour shakers will be available to season your popcorn. See you there!

Library book checkouts are closed for the remainder of the year. All library books need to be returned today. Check your emails to see what books you have out. Any books not returned will be marked lost and the replacement fine will be added to your powerschool account.