Monday, 10 December 2018

Junior girls basketball meeting today at 12:46 in Mr. Slade’s room.

Senior boys basketball meeting in the gym during the morning break.


We have a pair of glasses and a house key that was turned into the office- Come and claim

Home ec and art students from term 1 are asked to pick up their projects. Any art left not picked up by the end of the week will be recycled.

Soap stone carving students from term1 - see Mrs Buzak so we can go down to the IA room and you can pick up your sculpture

Would all classes please do their final points calculations and deliver their goods for Christmas Elves to the front foyer this morning please.

Ms. Gervais’ health classes please bring pencil crayons and or felt pens to class today.

The band room is open for practice today and tomorrow for any students wanting to get in some last minute concert practice time.

Jazz band practice is 7:30am on Wednesday morning this week

The Christmas band concert is this Thursday night at 7pm. The Grade 7 band, the Grade 8/9 band and the high school band will be performing. Everyone is invited to attend!

Reminder to gr. 7 home ec students - Classy Threads orders are due tomorrow. See Mrs. Nessel if you have forgot to bring in your order form.

Hot lunch winter ordering is now open -