Monday, 25 February 2019

Student Gathering - 8ABC

jazz band practice today at 12:26

Congratulations to both of our junior basketball teams for bringing home the gold medals at from their tourney in Fort Sask this weekend!

Grade nines - the first farewell pictures and recreation are in and they are awesome!  Email yours to Mr. Slade as soon as you can.  All pics must be in by April 15.

Grade 8 boys and girls badminton try-outs are today at lunch. 

Do you deal with Mental health issues? Or do you want to support friends who do? Do you want a place to find support, community and fun? Mental Health Mondays are starting up in Mrs. DeBoer’s room during lunch. Come bring your lunch today and every Monday and hang out! We plan to talk, support each other, and plan some cool events for the school.

Service Learning 9 students: seniors home volunteering is cancelled today due to the cold weather.

We will be doing a volunteering activity in class today.

District boys meeting at lunch today please in Mme Goudreau’s room!

Junior Girls basketball team please meet in Mr. Slade’s room at 12:45!