Thursday, 31 October 2019

We are hosting a food drive from now until November 8th. The donation box is located just outside of the office. Please help support our local Food Bank. Teachers, you are also welcome to keep a box in your classrooms if this is easier for you and your students.

Make sure you come to the gym this afternoon (with your indoor shoes) to hear the sweet sounds provided by DJ Qweeezy Beats while shakin’ yo tail feathers! FYI - students will be asked to get their indoor shoes on before heading to the dance.  All outdoor footwear will be left in your lockers.  And yes, we will be checking at the the gym doors.

Junior girls volleyball practice is at lunch today.

Which plants like Halloween the most?  BamBOO

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

We are hosting a food drive from now until November 8th. The donation box is located just outside of the office. Please help support our local Food Bank. Teachers, you are also welcome to keep a box in your classrooms if this is easier for you and your students.

If you are participating in Halloween Monsters today, please bring your pencil case and pencil crayons. You MUST be registered in both blocks 3 AND 4 to participate.

Gr 8 Students - “A Christmas Carol” permission form is now open in Powerschool, have your parents complete online. All grade 8 students will should be attending.

Gr 9 Students - The field trip to McLab to see “Bring it On” is now in Powerschool, have your parents complete online. All grade 9 students should be attending.

Flex - check sessions and rooms this morning

Halloween activities Thursday afternoon, dance, movie, games

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

The learning commons will be open for the noon hour recess for any students who would like to read, do homework, or draw quietly.  This space is not for students who want to be on their phones or simply hang out with friends.

This is an important message for all Me to WE students. Our meeting has been rescheduled to next Wednesday, Nov.6th. at 7:30 am. We will not be meeting tomorrow morning.

Those students in pumpkin carving remember to bring your tools and pumpkins tomorrow.

Reminder that we are hosting a food drive from now until November 8th. The donation box is located just outside of the office. Please help support our local Food Bank.

District girls volleyball practice at lunch today. 

Any Mundare orders...please bring to the office. Today is the last day to turn in.

Premier girls meet in the lobby ready to leave at 2:50 for Leduc.

Jr boys volleyball practice at lunch

Mme Stanley’s Wellness class please meet in yoga room with your athletic wear.

Monday, 28 October 2019

ME to WE will be meeting  on Wednesday, October 30th at 7:30 am in room 109. Don’t forget to bring your Food Bank donation to Kick Off our We Scare Hunger food drive!

Any BHA students waiting for their jerseys and/or socks, please come to the gym immediately after announcements

Two watches have been turned into the office - come and claim

Great tournament this weekend to the JR boys and Girls-

Please drop of mundare orders to the office today.

If you have not signed up for FLEX - you are late!! Please take care of it first thing in the morning.  If you have chosen Pumpkin carving, please make sure you bring a pumpkin!

District Girls VB practice, tonight 3:10 - 4:30

Friday, 25 October 2019

ME to WE will be meeting  on Wednesday, October 30th at 7:30 am in room 109. Don’t forget to bring your Food Bank donation to Kick Off our We Scare Hunger food drive!

A watch was turned into the office. Please come to claim.

FLEX sign up: Grade 8: block 1 and 2, Grade 9 Block 3 or 4, Grade 7: Lunch or later

Please take a look at the session descriptions on classroom as there a few new Halloween ones that may interest you including El dia de los muertos - Also known as Day of the Dead as well as Halloween Monsters - creating a Halloween version of yourself that may interest you! (But what if you already look like a monster?)

Once again, if you choose pumpkin carving you need to bring a pumpkin and sign up for both blocks!

Junior boys practice at lunch.

Thursday, 24 October 2019

The yearbook is having a contest this year for students to design the cover of the yearbook. If you are interested, please come to a meeting at noon in room 113.

School Council meeting tonight at 6:45 pm.

Junior boys practice afterschool until 4:30.

Senior boy practice at lunch.

Premier Girls - very important meeting during the morning break in Mr. Morin’s room.  You also have a practice at lunch.

Mme Stanley’s Wellness class is to bring athletic wear to block 4 today.

We will be collecting food bank donations next week.  Stay tuned for more details...

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Reminder to all students who are interested in joining Choir that we have our first practice today at lunch (12:26) in the drama room.

The yearbook is having a contest this year for students to design the cover of the yearbook. If you are interested, please come to a meeting at noon tomorrow..

Congratulations to the Premier girls volleyball team on an extremely hard fought battle against Ermineskin last night! 

Job well done to the 5 girls that ran in the Autumn classic on Saturday!

Any grade 7’s that would like to play board games at lunch today with Miss Michelle, come to Sci Lab 1 at 12:26 with your lunch!

We will be collecting food bank donations next week.  Stay tuned for more details...

A silver ring was found on Friday, please come to the office to claim.

Sr boys volleyball practice block 3 flex and at lunch

FLEX room changes  - science - block 3 in rm 120  me to we block 4 in 109 and pumpkin carving in art room

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Tomorrow is photo re-take day. If you have your original proof sheet please bring when you get your retake done. Staff, if you did not get your picture done on picture day please do so today. This is needed for the yearbook.

District girls vball practice at 12:26 in the gym and be on the court ready to go at 7:30 Friday morning.

Jr. Boys vball practice afterschool until 4:45.

Mme Stanley’s Wellness class - please bring athletic wear to your block 4 class.

Me To WE students… If you attended yesterday’s Block 4 session during FLEX, please do not sign up for block 4 FLEX for next week. We will meet in the art room at that time. Your names have been added to alternate support.

All students attending WE Day on Tuesday must have the permission form completed by noon tomorrow. If you are unable to attend, please see Ms. Gervais, as we do have a wait list.

Sr Boys Volleyball have a serving practice today at lunch.

Today is Student Vote! Teachers please see the schedule that was emailed to you so you know when to take each class.

Service Learning 9 students- Please remember to bring money for our walk to Dollarama and Sobeys tomorrow.

Runners for the Autumn classic come see M. Morin at lunch

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Students attending WE Day on October 22nd are reminded to complete the registration and payment on Powerschool. we will also be meeting  Block 4 today, during FLEX, in Ms. Gervais’ room (109).

Friday is picture retake day!

Student vote is tomorrow! Students across the country will be sharing their opinion on who should be the next Canadian government. Get excited to vote! Social teachers, please remember to discuss the election with your students :)

Parent/Teacher conferences will take place Oct. 23 or Nov. 4. Log onto to register and book

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Gr 9’s - Please return your Alberta Health envelopes to your homeroom teacher

Pizza Tuesday makes it’s triumphant return today!  If you have ordered, you will go to the front foyer during lunch and line up at your grade level table to get your pizza.

Mr. Mistol is looking for some volleyball scorekeepers for the games after school today.  If interested, please see him as soon as possible.

FLEX -please make sure you are signed up. 

District girls volleyball practice today at 12:26. Good luck to all of the teams in their games tonight 

Junior boys vball practice at 12:26 in the gym.  Teachers, please excuse the junior boys vball from your last class at 2:45.  I will send an email with the list of boys.

Congrats To the JR girls Volleyball team! winning the Mighty Volleyball tournament this weekend.

PE students, you are back in the gym!  Please remember your clean, INDOOR footwear.

Senior Boys meeting at morning break in Mr Eidick’s room

Senior girls volleyball meeting in Mme Stewart’s room at break

P/T Conference information will be emailed home today.

Friday, 11 October 2019

Thanksgiving Monday- no school. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, see you back on Tuesday.

Reminder that there is about an 86.3% chance that we will be back in the gym on Tuesday.  This means you WILL need a change of gym clothes and a pair of CLEAN INDOOR SHOES that DO NOT go outside.  PE teachers will be checking footwear at the gym doors, so please come prepared.

Me to WE students attending WE Day on October 22 are reminded that the field trip permission forms and payment are now on PowerSchool. Students attending WE day, do not sign up for Block 4 FLEX. Students attending We Day must attend an information session during Flex block 4 in the Art Room.

FLEX sign up - block 1 or 2: gr 9, block 3 or 4: gr 7, lunch or later: gr 8.  Please make your choices carefully!

Senior Boys and Girls Volleyball do not sign up for Block 4 flex

Alberta Health forms, Gr 9’s please turn into the office.

Thursday, 10 October 2019

For those students interested in producing the school yearbook, there will be a meeting at noon today in Mrs. Buzak’s room.

Gr 9’s please bring your Alberta Health envelopes to the office right after announcements.

Attention all volleyball and cross country participants!  You are now able to order an athletic hoodie.  E-mails were sent home with details on how to order.  The deadline to order is tomorrow.   Please see Mr. Mistol if you have any questions.

Pizza Tuesday will be starting on Tues, Oct. 15. Parents now order and pay for your pizza thru Powerschool up to a month at a time. An email was sent home to parents. No cash will be taken at Pizaa Sales.

Congrats to all of our awards recipients from our ceremony last night!  Special thanks to M Morin and Mme Stewart - great job emceeing!! 

District girls volleyball.  We will have a quick meeting at 12:26 in the LST room.

Jr. Boys vball practice at Beau Meadow afterschool until 4:30.

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Wellness Wednesday starts today. Bring your lunch and join Miss Michelle in the science for a fun mid week break.

Pizza Tuesday will be starting on Tues, Oct. 15. Please listen carefully as the ordering and payment process has changed. Parents now order and pay for your pizza thru Powerschool up to a month at a time.

For students interested in helping produce the school’s yearbook, there will be a meeting in Mrs. Buzak’s room tomorrow at lunch.

Beaumont’s Mayor John Stewart will be visiting our school this morning. Please welcome him if you see him.

Senior Boys and Girls Volleyball Practice after school at Beau Meadow

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Gr 9’s - Please return your Alberta Health envelopes to your homeroom teacher

Me to WE will meet Wednesday morning at 7:30 in room 109.

Senior Boys and Girls practice today and tomorrow after school at Beau Meadow

District girls volleyball please meet at the front entrance at 2:45 ready to head to Warburg for our game.

Monday, 7 October 2019

Silver Bracelet turned into office, found in the Drama Room.

Me to WE will meet Wednesday morning at 7:30 in room 109.

Outdoor Ed remember to bring your food for tomorrow!  Thank you.

Junior boys volleyball at Beau Meadow after school today.

District girls volleyball, please meet at the front entrance at 3:10 ready to run to Coloniale.

If you have not signed up for FLEX, please do so right away!

Friday, 4 October 2019

Staff Dress Down to Build Others Up - donations in office

Jr. Boys Volleyball - meet in Mr. Helgren’s classroom (past Mr. Slade’s room) at 12:26 - Bring your lunch.

Hot lunch orders are due today! Bring your orders to the office!

Gr 9 Alberta Health forms are due back next week.

Have a terrific weekend!

Thursday, 3 October 2019

We are very fortunate to have Author Alexis Chute offering two Flex sessions next week.  Please sign up for one session only.  Also, she will have her young adult novel available for purchase of $18 which she will sign.  There is no obligation at all to purchase a book, however.

Me to We will meet on Friday at 12:26 in room 109. Please bring your lunch.

Hot lunch orders are due tomorrow by noon. No late orders will be accepted.

Jr. Boys Vball practice at Beau Meadow afterschool.

District girls, we will be meeting in the drama room at 12:26 bring your lunch.  We will meet at the front entrance after school to head to  practice at Coloniale.

Flex sign up - tomorrow: Block 1 or 2 - gr 8, block 3 or 4 grade 9, grade 7 lunch or later.  Please be aware that hair braiding and the author visit session are repeat session, only choose 1.

Senior girls volleyball there is a very important meeting at morning break

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Hot lunch orders are due Friday, October 4 at noon, no late orders will be accepted.

Congrats to all of the grade 7 and 8 volleyball players for a great showing last night! We are proud of you for your great start :)

District and Junior Girls you will be practicing at Coloniale Thursday afterschool.

Junior boys - practice at Beau Meadow school tomorrow

Early Dismissal at 2:16 today.

Today is Jersey day!

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Students, until further notice, please only park your bikes at the back of the school.  Do not approach the school from the front. Do not walk across the road construction at the front of the school. Please use the back entrances to the school. Also, please walk around any of the plants that have been carefully planted at the front of our school.  Only walk on sidewalks. Please remind your parents that they are to drop off and pick up at the back of the Ken Nichol Recreation Centre.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Tomorrow is JERSEY DAY

Reminder that Me to We will be having a breakfast meeting tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. in Ms Gervais room 209. Please bring your own beverage. See you there!

Senior Boys Volleyball team has a meeting in Mr Eidick’s room at lunch.

A key was turned into the office

District girls - bring your lunch to the drama room at12:26 for a team meeting.  If you did not see Mrs Dorash this morning come and see me right after announcements in the LST room

Good luck to our District and Junior Volleyball teams tonight