Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Students, until further notice, please only park your bikes at the back of the school.  Do not approach the school from the front. Do not walk across the road construction at the front of the school. Please use the back entrances to the school. Also, please walk around any of the plants that have been carefully planted at the front of our school.  Only walk on sidewalks. Please remind your parents that they are to drop off and pick up at the back of the Ken Nichol Recreation Centre.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Tomorrow is JERSEY DAY

Reminder that Me to We will be having a breakfast meeting tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. in Ms Gervais room 209. Please bring your own beverage. See you there!

Senior Boys Volleyball team has a meeting in Mr Eidick’s room at lunch.

A key was turned into the office

District girls - bring your lunch to the drama room at12:26 for a team meeting.  If you did not see Mrs Dorash this morning come and see me right after announcements in the LST room

Good luck to our District and Junior Volleyball teams tonight