Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Winter Hot lunch orders are open until Dec. 18. No late orders will be accepted.

If you haven’t signed up for FLEX you are really late!!!!!!!

Tomorrow is Christmas Sweater/festive colour day.

Choir at lunch today in the drama room - bring your lunches and lyrics!

Me to WE will meet tomorrow morning at 7:30am in room 109.

Reminder to all term 1 art students. Please make sure to pick up your art before Friday. Any art that is left will be recycled.

District Girls Basketball practice today at 12:26
-Junior boys will be practicing today after school.
-District boys will be practicing today from 4:30-6pm. 

Reindeer games are in full swing, I hope you have done your pushups for today’s activities...

Why don’t crabs celebrate Christmas? Because they’re shell-fish. Why don’t lobsters like Christmas?  Same reason.  Shrimp too.

Student Gathering  - Grade 7 Immersion

The totals are in...I think.  And winners of the Christmas Elves competition with 5656 points are Mr. Slade’s class!  Just kidding.  The winners with over 3000 points are Mrs. DeBoer’s 8B Class!  Congrats.  Mr. Slade will get you your ice cream cupcake by March.

Senior Ladies VOLLEYBALL! Some of you forgot there were pictures today so we will do them tomorrow at lunch. Bring your jerseys!!!