Student Gathering - grade 8
Senior boys basketball players will need to meet in the front foyer at the beginning of block 6, ready to leave for your tournament today.
FLEX sign up - tomorrow: block 1 or 2 - grade 7, block 3 or 4 - grade 8 lunch or later - grade 9.
9A and 9B - you will not sign up as you are at the law courts.
NO ONE will sign up for block 3 as we will be doing homeroom activities for Pink Shirt Day.
If you are interested in making friendship bracelets, please choose it for block 4.
It is 23 days (Michael Jordan’s number) until Pi Day. How many digits of Pi do you know? The students with the most numbers will win a whole pizza pi on Pizza Pi Tuesday!
Mrs. Wilson’s science classes - please remember your pencil crayons, glue, and scissors for class today.