Students please check your emails to see if you have over-due books! If you would like to renew them come see Miss.LaPointe or drop them in the return bin if you no longer want them.
Did you know that prior to the arrival and settlement of European immigrants, Indigenous people had complex and successful knowledge systems and practices about land systems, sciences, mathematics, politics, physical and mental health, and food security that provided healthy and abundant livelihood for millions of peoples for tens of thousands of years. We all had and continue to have so much to learn from our Indigenous peoples.
Ms. Newell’s Health classes… please bring pencil crayons/felts to class today
Senior Boys Volleyball Practice after school Grade 7 Boys Volleyball practice today at lunch.
Good luck to all of our students participating in the cross country meet today!
Reminder that all students are to be in their seats during the 20 minutes eating period at lunch. After the bell rings, all students are to go outside for fresh air and time to be without their masks.
Tomorrow Orange Shirt Day
2021-2022 Enrolment Verifications are due Sept. 30, please log into parent portal to complete