Tuesday, November 22, 2011 - Day 3
- If anyone is interested in purchasing a yearbook from last year, please see Miss Stewart.
- Jazz band practice is today from 12 – 12:30.
- Grade 6, 7 & 8 band members are reminded to get their theory and practice signed and handed in on or before Nov. 30th. Teachers are asked to please make a note on your classroom whiteboard as a reminder for your band students.
- There are still some white and chocolate milk left over from yesterday’s milk Monday. They are $1. See Mrs. Baron if you are interested.
- Day 4 choir practice is tomorrow at 12. Please remember to come and bring your words!
- Thank you to the Grade 4 students who auditioned for a part in the Christmas musical this morning. Tomorrow are grade 5 student auditions. Please be here by 7:30.
- Hot lunch orders are due today.
- Junior high girls basketball tryouts tonight from 3:30-4:30pm.
- Operation Christmas Child - Shoe boxes are due tomorrow, don't forget to include the $7 fee for shipping.