Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011 - Day 5

  • Early dismissal at 2:30 today.

  • Reminder photo retake orders are due tomorrow.

  • ATTENTION CHOIR MEMBERS; there will be a choir practice tomorrow for ALL GRADES -  4, 5, 6, 7 & 8

    This is an important practice so that we are ready for our Remembrance Day ceremony so please make a note in your agenda so you don’t forget !

  • Band theory and practice sheets were due on Monday, but due to the busy Halloween schedule, they will be accepted until this Friday. Please get yours signed and handed in by then.

  • The school Remembrance Day ceremony here at the school will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 9th. The elementary ceremony will take place at 10:30 and the junior high in the afternoon at 1:30. Teachers make note of the date change. Please also ask students to mark it in your agendas in case any parents want to attend.

  • ATTENTION CHESS PLAYERS: chess will be cancelled today due to early dismissal. Chess will resume NEXT Thursday, NOT tomorrow.

  • Tomorrow morning, District Boys Volleyball Practice at 7:15 am.

  • Any gr. 7 home ec students that want to order sewing supplies, Mrs. Nessel needs the order form and money by Friday.

  • Congratulations staff and students. We collected 239 pounds of food for the Foodbank!

  • A huge congratulations to our District girls volley ball team.  They played in Devon last night and played FANSTASTICALLY WELL!  They played with true Sabers spirit and and should be congratulated for a job well done!   Your coaches are VERY proud of you!