Monday, 23 January 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012 - Day 1

  • Junior high students participating in the study buddy program are expected to show up for the time and date assigned. If you cannot then you must talk to your hosting teacher to ensure that a buddy is not left waiting for you. Teachers please let Mrs. Nessel know if your buddies are not showing up.

  • Rabbit Hill ski club please meet at the front doors tomorrow at 3:45pm. Sign up deadline for the next trip is Thursday, Feb. 2.

  • Please bring your forms down to Mrs. Nessel as soon as you can for the Jasper ski trip as it is selling fast.

  • The home ec room will be open tonight until 4pm for any students that want to work on projects. It will be open Tues. and Wed until 4:30pm. This is your last week to get projects completed.

  • Premier girls basketball please meet in rm 103 for a quick meeting at 12:20.  We need to make travel arrangements for our game on Thursday.

  • District boys basketball practice today @ noon!

  • Today is Milk Monday. Homeroom teachers are asked to send down a runner to pick up the milk at 12 noon please. There will be extra milk available to buy outside the home ec room as well.

  • Day 2 Choir is tomorrow at 12 noon in the music room.