Thursday, 26 January 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012 - Day 4

  • There are some extra white and chocolate milk left over from Milk Monday. See Mrs. Baron at noon or the junior high morning break if you are interested in buying one. They are $1 for a small and $2 for a large.

  • Day 4 Choir is today @ 12 noon in the music room.

  • All band members are reminded to complete and hand in their January Theory and Practice by Monday, Jan. 30th please.

  • There will be a BAKE SALE tomorrow during the lunch hour in support of the Grade 7 & 8 Band trip. All goodies will be $1.00 and juice boxes will be 2 for $1.00. There will also be white and chocolate milk at the bake sale. $1 for a small and $2 for a large.

  • Music festival solos, duets and groups are reminded to meet with Mrs. Baron to choose your music today at 12:30 or anytime during the lunch hour tomorrow.

  • There will be a drop in junior high girls badminton practice tomorrow morning at 7:15 am. Girls interested in playing on the badminton team, please attend.

  • Journal Games Relay race practice today at noon in the gym.

  • Would all premier boys and girls basketball players please meet in Mr. Slade’s room at 12:20.  There is a short, but important meeting.

  • Only 10 spots left on the Jasper ski trip. So get your forms and money in to Mrs. Nessel so that you aren’t disappointed.

  • Rabbit Hill ski club forms and money are due Feb. 2 if you want to go on the next ski night. Please bring these down to Mrs. Nessel.

  • The Home Ec room will be open Friday morning at 7:30 for anyone wanting to sew.

  • Good Luck to our Basketball teams. Go Sabres!