Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Day 3

  • There are pamphlets available in the office for Telus World of Science summer camps.
  • Band members are reminded to get their February theory and practice signed by tomorrow.
  • Jazz band practice is today at 12:20 in the music room.
  • Day 4 Choir practice is tomorrow at Noon.
  • Band members are also reminded that the deadline to hand in their fundraiser order forms and money to Mrs. Baron is today!
  • Premier girls basketball practice tonight 3:20 – 4:30.
  • Tomorrow is pink shirt day!!! A day organized to bring awareness to the issue of  bullying.
  • Junior High Journal Games practice today at noon.  All Junior High students who are participating in the Journal Games MUST be in the gym at noon.
  • Reminder to all Jasper Ski Trip participants, there will be a meeting in the Home Ec room today at 12:20 pm.
  • Reminder to all Outdoor Ed Students – Come to class dressed and prepared to go outside.
  • Boys Mini Basketball – there will be a meeting at noon in Mr. Dargis’ office.