- There will be a junior high boys badminton drop in practice tomorrow morning at 7:15. If you are interested in trying out for the team, please attend. See Miss Stewart or Mr. Mistol if you have any questions.
- The deadline to purchase a badminton racquet is this Friday. Please see Mr. Mistol for more information.
- The teams for mini basketball intramurals are now posted on the athletic board outside of the gym. Today the boys will be playing at noon.Team Blue vs Team YellowTeam Purple vs Team Red
- Band members are reminded that January theory and practice were due on Monday. If you have not handed yours in, please do so by this Friday, Feb. 3rd. Lates will not be accepted after that date.
- Day 2 Choir practice is today at 12 in the music room. Jazz band practice is tomorrow at 12:20 in the music room and Day 4 Choir will be on Friday at 12 noon.
- If any junior high band members have Musicfest Ottawa payments for Mrs. Baron, they must be brought to the music room immediately after these announcements.
- Any band students performing solos, duets or small groups at the Leduc Music festival must see Mrs. Baron for an important note. Please come to the music room at morning or lunch recess.
- Registration forms and money are due tomorrow for anyone that is joining the Rabbit Hill ski club next Tuesday night.
- Jasper has got the most snow out of all the Alberta ski resort……join us – 8 spots left – Jasper ski trip. Forms and money to Mrs. Nessel ASAP
- Only 2 more days to come in and get your home ec projects done. 7AM Thursday and Friday mornings