Monday, April 2, 2012 - Day 1
- Elementary Running Club practice today at noon in the gym. Today there will be try-outs for the seated ball throw. Only those students interested in the seated ball throw for Klondike Relays should come.
- Students who are interested in running the Ring Road, we will be running tomorrow after school and every Tuesday. See you in the front foyer tomorrow after school.
- Attention district boys basketball players!!! Tomorrow is our team picture, you must have your uniform.
- Badminton practice will be tomorrow at noon for girls, and after school for boys.
- All boys in the hockey academy must come to the gym for a brief meeting after these announcements. Please bring your permission slips.
- All premier girls basketball players please meet in rm 103 at the break for an important meeting.
- Would all premier boys basketball players please return your jerseys as soon as possible?
- Last week for Gr. 7 foods and Gr. 8 module 3. The Home Ec. Room will be open for sewing after school tomorrow. Grade 7’s, don’t forget your pizza toppings.
- Pre-registrations forms are due, please return to your homeroom teacher as soon as possible.