Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

  • Due to the overwhelming response today will be the last day donations will be accepted for the Ghana Project Abroad charity.  If you have other donations that you have not yet brought in we recommend that you find a worthy local charity to support.  Brianna wanted to send a heartfelt thank you to everyone that donated.  She was very impressed with the great response!  We will be taking a group picture in rm 103 on Thursday at 12:30 of all of the students who were able to donate.  Please attend.

  • All badminton team players are encouraged to come out and play tonight from 6:30-8pm during the open house.

  • There will be a lunchtime meeting at noon for ALL band members going to Ottawa. Please come to the music room at 12 noon and bring your lunch!!

  • Parent/Student orientation Open House tonight from 6:30-8:00 pm.

  • Found - Bicycle helmet and headphones, please come to the office to claim.

  • A reminder for all Elementary students to get their floor hockey permission slips and money to Mr. Mistol ASAP.   Also, to clarify….there will NOT be any try-outs.  If you bring in your form, you will be put on a team.