Wednesday, 24 October 2012

2012 Halloween Food Drive boxes have been dropped off in the front foyer. Please bring non-perishable food items and place them in the box. On Halloween, boxes will be picked up by the charity “Souls of the Feet” and food will be donated to a local Food Bank. Non-perishable foods include food that is boxed, canned or in jars. Please don’t bring any food that will spoil quickly such as foods that need to be refrigerated etc.
We are still missing a few Hot Lunch envelopes.  Please send these to the office immediately following announcements 
Congrats to the Premier Boys who went undefeated in both of their league games last night. 
Also as big congrats go out to our district girls team.  They played in Calmar last night and the games were exceptionally close!! They represented JE very well and continue to impress everyone that watches them!

There will be a Premier and District Boys’ volleyball practice after school today. 
Reminder that there is a district girls volleyball practice today at lunch and tomorrow after school.

Lost – A Blackberry cell phone has been lost, if you have found this phone please turn into the office.
Mrs. Slade’s Grade 8 ABC girls Phys Ed will be inside today.
Choir practice continues this week for all groups on your regular day;

Grade 5 choir today @ 12:10
Grade 4 choir tomorrow @ 12:10

Jazz band will also have a practice this Friday at 12:10 in the music room.

October theory and practice are due next week. Please get yours finished, signed by your parent and handed in by Oct. 31st