September theory and practice was due last week. Please get yours signed and handed in by tomorrow!
Noon hour music practices are now as follows. Open Band practice on Mondays, Grade 6, 7, 8 Choir on Tuesdays at 12:25, Grade 5 choir on Wednesdays at 12:10 and Grade 4 Choir on Thursdays at 12:10 and Jazz Band on Fridays at 12:25.
This means that today is Grade 4 Choir. Any students who signed up are to come to the music room at the 12:10 bell for practice.
Any band students who have their Whistler forms are reminded to hand them in to Mrs. Baron this week please. The forms need to be returned in order for the trip to go ahead and as of yesterday, only 21 forms had been returned. This Friday is the deadline, so the trip will be cancelled should the forms not make it in by then.
Any choir students who have their permission form are also asked to hand in to Mrs. Baron this week as well.
Picture day is tomorrow
Scholastic Book Orders are now in at the library. If you placed an order through the library, please stop by and pick it up from Mrs. Forest
Hot lunch orders are due tomorrow.
Running club today after school
District Boys Volleyball you have a practice at 12:10 today
There is a practice today at noon for any boys who are not on a volleyball team.
There will be a premier boys volleyball practice tomorrow after school.
Welcome to the online home for the J.E. Lapointe Daily Announcements. We will attempt to post announcements by 9:00am on a daily basis.