Talent show auditions continued today with
instrument acts.
Tomorrow is dance.
Friday is comedy or any other type of acts.
Friday will also be a day for students who
missed their audition during the week due to field trips or illness.
On your audition day you are
asked to bring your lunch to the music room at the 12:10 bell, along with
anything else you need to audition.
Code Club today after school.
All the band and speech arts students
performing solos, duets and quartets at the Volunteer Tea today are asked to
come to the music room right after announcements. This will be a very short, but very
important meeting so students need to be released from class please.
Mr. Mistol and Mrs. Dorash would like to say a huge thanks
to our junior high track athletes that participated in the LDAA meet
yesterday. It was great to see you
supporting one another throughout the day and doing extremely well in your
events. As we continue to receive
results we will let you know. We would
like to have a meeting with the whole group in the gym at 12:30 today.
Congratulations to all of the
athletes who participated in the Hershey Track meet last night. Please come
and see Mme McCallion for ribbons.
long jump tryouts at lunch.
Welcome to the online home for the J.E. Lapointe Daily Announcements. We will attempt to post announcements by 9:00am on a daily basis.