Friday, 31 May 2013

Talent show auditions finish up today with comedy or any other type of acts.
Today is also for any other students who missed their audition during the week due to field trips or illness.
All performers are asked to bring their lunch to the music room at the 12:10 bell, along with anything else you need to audition.
Congratulations go out to all of the grade 8 students for a fantastic farewell last night.  You all looked amazing and the speeches were outstanding.
Can the eight Jr. High students helping with the Elementary track and field day please hand in their forms to Mr. Mistol after these announcements.
All BHA students need to meet in the front foyer today at 12:05pm for Rock Jungle.   If you are in the cross-fit group, make sure to bring a clean pair of indoor shoes.
 The Sweet Night of Music concert is tonight at 7pm in the gym.
Any of the band students that volunteered to help with the Sweet Night of Music are asked to meet Mrs. Baron in the music room.
Mrs. Baron needs to see the students that are performing tonight at the Sweet Night of Music right after the announcements. This will be a very brief but important meeting about tonight’s performance so please allow your students to attend.  
Good luck to the group of students who will be competing in the high jump completion this afternoon in New Sarepta.  Please meet in the front foyer at 12:10.
Grade 5 and 6 girls’ track practice today during the first recess. Please meet on the soccer field.
Last call for permission forms for the elementary track meet on Tuesday.
Girls Circle will have their last meeting at lunch today. This will be your last meeting so please come join the wrap up celebration.