Monday, 30 September 2013

  • All BHA students that have not handed in their forms, need to do so today before going onto the ice.
  • Premier Boys volleyball team has a practice after school today.
  • Mrs. Verhoeff’s Media 7 class is reminded to check in with their homeroom teachers after lunch, then come directly to room 112, please!
  • The Home Ec room will be open until 4:15 Monday, Wednesday and Friday for any student that would like to come in and work on projects.
  • Any junior high students who are not on a volleyball team and would like to play volleyball this season, please see Mrs. Duru in room 118 at 12:10.
  • District Boys Volleyball team has a practice today at 12:10. Bring your lunch and your forms.
  • Running practice today after school.  If you are interested in running in another X-Country Race this Saturday, please get a permission form from Mme McCallion before the end of the day.
  • É.J.E.L.S. is a scent sensitive school. Please refrain from wearing any strong scents.
  • District girls volleyball practice today at 12;10. Please bring your lunch and your forms.
  • Music room practices this week are as follows;
    today - instrument practice
    tomorrow - choir
    Wednesday - jazz band
    Thursday - choir
    Friday - instrument practice
  • Band students are reminded to hand in their Sultans of String permission forms and payment to Mrs. Baron