Wednesday, 25 September 2013

  • Lego club will have a sign up day, for elementary students only, at 12:10 on Friday Sept 27th, in room 107.

Instrument practice and help sessions continue this week as follows;
  • Today & Friday - Brass, Guitars & Percussion
    Tomorrow - Flute, Clarinet and saxophone
    If you are new to your instrument or if you just want to get some practice time in, you are encouraged to come to these lunch time practices. Bring your lunch and your instrument to the music room at the 12:10 bell.
  • Choir and Jazz Band practices will be starting soon. Please stay tuned for exact dates and times!
  • Running practice today after school.  Students who are signed up to run in the X-Country Race tomorrow, please remember to dress appropriately with running attire and running shoes.  Please bring your lunches.  We will be leaving tomorrow morning at 9:00 am.
  • District Boys Volleyball practice today at 3:15pm. If you haven’t done so yet please see the final team list posted on the athletic board. If you can’t make it to practice today make sure you let Mr. Bohun know.

  • Reminder - premier girls volleyball practice tomorrow morning at 7:00am