Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Noon hour music room practices continue this week;
Today - jazz band
Tomorrow- Jr. High choir
Friday - open band practice
Calling all singers, dancers, musicians, magicians and anyone else with talent. Please see Mrs. Baron if you are interested in signing up for the talent show auditions coming up in May.
Teachers please send your Write- On Stationary envelopes to the office ASAP this morning.
The Jr. high band is hosting a bake sale this Friday over the lunch hour. Mark it in your agenda and don’t forget to bring your loonie or toonie.
Pokemon Club is running today after school in the Tech Ed Room. If you missed last week you are still welcome to come today. Please see Mr. Bohun in Room 102 if you have any questions.
Friday April 25th is School Spirit Day.  Everyone is encouraged to wear the JE colors, let’s make the WHOLE shool blue and yellow!
Mrs. Baron needs to see any Leduc Music Festival solo, duet, or trio players that did not come to the music room yesterday. You need to pick up an important note about the upcoming Sweet Night of Music concert. Please be sure to come to the music room at first recess break.
Badminton practice is after school today.  Please let Mr. Mistol know if you are unable to attend.
Attention all Beaumont Cup participants: The team lists have been posted   on the athletic board just outside of the gym.  There is also a very important meeting in the gym at 12:10pm that you all must attend.  
If you have paid your fees and are not on a team, please see Mr. Mistol as soon as possible.  Don’t panic, it just means he made a mistake.