Friday, 25 April 2014

Open band practice today in the band room
The Jr. High band is hosting a Bake sale today over the lunch hour. Jr. High students can come to the bake sale at 12:10. Elementary students at 12:30. All items are $1.00.
Friday Group reminders - these groups will meet in the library conference room.
Period 4 Talk Club
Period 5 Girl’s Circle
Period 6 Junior Boys Group
There will be a brief badminton meeting in the gym at 10:40am today.  Good luck to all team members at the LDAA Championships tomorrow in Wetaskiwin.
There will bw a SWAT meeeting today at lunch in the Home Ec room,
The Dorash Dazzlers hope all the teams we have to play brought are going to be blinded by our talent!!! Dazzlers please remember to meet Mrs Dorash at the front entrance at 3:25 ready to head over to the rink.
A reminder that Mr. Mistol’s Magicians need to be at the upstairs arena no later than 3:40pm today.
If any solo, duet or trio band members have their sweet night of music form, please remember to hand it in to Mrs. baron. There are 8 performers, but that is not enough to continue with the concert. If you plan on performing at the concert, but forgot your form, please see Mrs. Baron today to let her know!
Today is Miss Cava’s last day at JEL.  If you see her in the hallway, please remember to give her a big hug and say good bye.
Janzen/Lawrence Lobsters meet in room 112 (Mr. Janzen’s room) at the 10:40 a.m. break.