Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Band members are reminded that September practice is now due. Please get yours signed and handed in to the bin on Mrs. Baron’s desk.

There are some changes to music room practices this week as Mrs. Baron is away with the grade 6 band today…
Tomorrow morning jazz band @ 7:30am

Thursday lunch time choir @ 12:05

Found  -  a girls wallet, please come to the office to identify.

On this Thursday from 12:05 - 12:40, Mr. Bohun’s Grade 8 3D Design class is having a “bake” sale. But this is not your typical bake sale, the items being sold are all products that the students have designed and printed using the 3D Printer. Prices range from 50 cents to 5 dollars for such items as pencil toppers, rulers, pencil holders, iPhone cases, and locker decorations. So bring your change on Thursday and purchase something fun.

Volleyball games tonight, Go Sabres!

Premier boys @ CTK
Premier Girls @ JEL
District Boys @ Dansereau
District Girls @ JEL