Thursday, 23 October 2014

Band members are reminded that September practice is due next Friday.

Choir members are asked to meet today for practice at 12:05 in the music room. Please bring your lunch, as you will sing first, then eat.

Mrs. Baron’s active living class is reminded to bring your swimsuit and towel as you will be going to the pool tomorrow.

Premier and District Boys volleyball - practice afterschool.

Picture retakes are this morning. Also, any staff that did not get their individual photo done, please do so as it is needed for the yearbook!!

Today’s hot lunch is Boston Pizza!

Today from 12:05 - 12:40, Mr. Bohun’s Grade 8 3D Design class is having a “bake” sale. But this is not your typical bake sale, the items being sold are all products that the students have designed and printed using the 3D Printer. Prices range from 50 cents to 5 dollars for such items as pencil toppers, rulers, pencil holders, iPhone cases, and locker decorations. Our vendors will be lining the main hallways, so walk a lap and buy something fun.

The Home Ec Room will be closed after school.