3.14159265359 is all the numbers of pi Mr. Slade can remember, but he is working hard to be the school champ and remember at least 100 decimal places. It is rumoured that Mrs. Buzak can already reach 100. What will you be able to recall come March 14th?
Premier boys basketball practice today at 3:15.
Science Olympians - be sure to research over the break and bring your amazing ideas back in 2015.
The District Girls Basketball Team roster will be posted today on the athletic board at the morning break, and there will be a practice at 12:05pm.
Tomorrow is the last day to hand in November practice. If you don’t get yours in, you definitely have not been paying attention to the announcements over the past month.
Band students are asked to take their instruments home over the Christmas break if possible, so the room is clear for cleaning over the holidays.
Today is the last day to choose music for festival solos, duets, trios and quartets. Mrs. Baron needs to see you at lunch today if you have not met with her yet.
Pokemon Club is running today after school in the TEch Ed room.