Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Speech Arts: Last day to pick up an information and permission form from Mrs, Kay or Mme Marshall. Completed forms and payment are due tomorrow Thursday, Dec. 4th - no exceptions.

SWAT will meet today at lunch for some Team Building Activities. Please note the change in location for today. We will be meeting in room 105. As this room does not have a microwave, please heat yoiur lunch before you arrive.

Gr 8 students, today is your Citadel field trip! Please remember to return to your homerooms for period 3.

Mr. Slade will be calling grade 8 classes to the front entrance for class pictures beginning at 10:05.  Please be ready.

Mrs. Nessel wants to remind all Art and Home Ec students that tomorrow is the last day that projects can be handed in.  If you need extra time see her today.

Pokemon Club tomorrow after school in the Tech Ed Room.

Mini boys basketball practice is tomorrow morning at 7:15am.

Early dismissal today at 2:25