Lunch Buddies is cancelled today, sorry!
Mrs. baron has a short note for all jr. high band members regarding band potlucks next week. Please come by the band room and pick one up today
Science Olympians meet at lunch on Monday! Bring your innovative ideas!
Swimming option forms need to be brought to Mrs Dorash as soon as announcements are done. We will be leaving right at 10:45
Premier girls please meet in rm 103 at 12:05 for a quick meeting
Mrs. Baron’s active living class is reminded to bring their permission forms to class today. Please also be changed into your gym clothes
November practice is now due. Last day to hand it in is next Friday
Mrs. Baron would like to thank all the band and choir students that performed last night. It was a great concert and there were many compliments from parents after the concert was over. Thanks also to the students who stayed behind to help clean up the gym
. Any students needing to choose music for Leduc Music Festival solo, duet, trio, quartet should see Mrs. Baron today at lunch. There will also be time next Tuesday and Thursday if you can’t make it today
What a fantastic fundraiser for Christmas Elves by the grade 8 classes! These gifts are going to a great cause and you should be proud that you all helped to contribute to making someone’s holiday a little happier. Well done! Would all classes please bring their donations to the front entrance sometime during period 1?