Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Intramurals postponed
Premier girls basketball practice tonight 3:15 - 4:45, All members please attend.
Girls Group will meet today in the library conference room at 9:15
Boys Group will meet today in the library conference room at 10:45
Ski Club Members… a helmet and googles were found on the sidewalk last night. They may be claimed at the office.
Journal Games practice for elementary students at 12:05 and junior high students at 12:30.
Hot lunch orders are due today!
ACTIVE living students are reminded to bring their scuba forms to class today please and also to bring your gear for the pool on Friday
Choir practice today at 12:05
Jazz band tomorrow at 7:30
Open band and practice for festival students on Thurs & Fri
Band students are reminded that January practice sheets are now due and they will be accepted until the end of the month. Please get your signed and handed in before then
Pokemon Club is cancelled today.
Reminder: District girls basketball practice tomorrow after school.