March 14 is Pi Day. How many digits of pi do you know? There will be a school wide competition to see how many decimal places of pi can be remembered. The winner will get a sweet prize so start your memorizing now!
Premier boys basketball practice after school today.
If you ordered a badminton racquet or grip, please pick it up in Mr. Mistol’s office. Also, if you are still interested in ordering, please see Mr. Mistol.
Badminton Try-outs begin next week.
Would the Sci Oly team please meet in rooom 109 at 12:25 for a very important meeting!
Attention ski club participants. You are to bring everything that you will take home after the ski trip to the front of the school at the bell. Includes backpack, homework, etc. Get dressed in your ski clothing and pick up your equipment from the library conference room. Please take it out to Mrs. Nichols truck. You are to stay in the front foyer by the trophy case until the bus comes. Mrs. Nessel will meet you in the front foyer if you have questions.
The Edmonton Symphony orchestra field trip is this morning for all the grade 6 students that returned their forms. Once the buses arrive at 9am, the students will be called to the front foyer by class. Please only bring a jacket - no lunch or technology. Teachers are reminded to allow students to eat their morning snack during period 1.
Music practices this week are as follows;
Choir - tomorrow at 12:05
Wednesday morning - Jazz band at 7:30
Thurs and Friday - open band practice and practice for any students playing a solo, duet or trio at the Leduc Music Festival
Just a reminder Hot Lunches are due tomorrow
Active living students are reminded to return their scuba forms to Mrs. Baron by tomorrow’s class.