Friday, 13 March 2015

Reminder - Brain Bingo contest this week: 2 lines of 5!! Show your teacher today to have your name entered in the draw for a great prize! Next week...make an X!!

The final try-outs for jr. boys and jr girls badminton are on Monday after school.

Yoga Option B - reminder, today is your field trip to Yogalife, please be ready in the front foyer by 10:30 am; we will be leaving at 10:35 sharp. Make sure to bring a yoga mat and a bottle of water. Teachers, please excuse students from class at 10:25.

Pi Day

Congrats to all of the basketball teams for a great showing last night.  District boys won a banner and premier boys a silver!!  You made us proud!! Reminder to the kids to hand your jerseys right away.

Band members are reminded to hand in their Feb practice sheets by march 26

Jr high band members are also reminded to hand in their permission forms for the Red Deer field trip by march 26….sooner is better though

Today is Pi Day!  It is like Christmas for nerds like Mr.Slade and Mr. Bohun!  Did you know that 3.14% of Sailors are Pi Rates?

Teachers, please submit the winner of the pi memorization contest to Mr. Slade along with the number of decimal places.

Also, Pi throwing is happening today at lunch.  Students are welcome to bring their lunches to the gym.  Pi throwers must line up behind the assigned line.  When throwing students must throw behind the line.  Any of those who cross will be responsible for cleaning the gym afterwards!
Mrs. Dorash has been talking about students won’t have good enough aim for you guys to hit her.

Grade 7 & 8 festival solos, duet and trio are reminded to come for practice today at 12:05

Report cards will be sent home with students today. Parent teacher login information is on the bottom of your report card.

Enrichment group 7-2 you finally get to work on your projects today - please meet in rm 119 period 2.  Reminder to 8-1 and 6-1 to have your materials here for Monday

Good luck to our two teams who will be competing in the Journal Games tomorrow.  All of these students must come to see Mme McCallion right after announcements.