Speech Arts students: Ms Colquhoun will be in the library conference room during today’s lunch break. Bring your lunch.
Parent Teacher interviews tonight! Book online at jel.schoolappointments.com
S.W.A.T will meet today at 12:05 in room 119
A boys ski jacket with valuables in the pocket has been turned into the office.
Lost and found items are in the hallway.
A cell phone has been turned in, please come to the office to claim.
Band students are reminded that February practice sheets are due by next Thurs. March 26th.
Jr high students are also reminded that the Red Deer festival form is due march 26 as well.
Leduc Music Festival information letters and permission forms were emailed to your parents yesterday. It is up to you to read this information, print off your form and return it to Mrs. Baron by March 26th.
Music room practices tomorrow and Friday are for festival solo, duet and trio groups. Tomorrow is for Grade 6 students. Friday is for Grade 7 & 8 students.
Grade 7 Intramurals
Intermediate badminton practice tomorrow at 7:30 a.m.
Wellness snacks will be sold for 50 cents in Room 119 today at morning break.