Attention all grade 6 students interested in playing indoor soccer! There will be a short meeting in Mrs. Klimaszewski’s room, rm 117, at morning recess.
Grade 6 boys floor hockey try-outs at noon today. Please hand in your commitment form if you haven’t already done so.
Good luck to all badminton players who will be competing in the F.R. Haythorne tournament tomorrow in Sherwood Park! Please come to the gym at morning break for a brief but IMPORTANT meeting.
Band members are reminded of the following important items:
March practice sheets are now due
Combined band today for grade 6 students period 1 & 2
Combined band on Monday for grade 7 students period 1 & 2
Combined band next Tues for grade 6 students period 1 & 2
Grade 8 band practice next Wednesday period 1 & 2. Please mark this time down as this is the only practice before your festival performance on Friday, so remember to have your instrument here that day!
All solo, duet and trio groups are to come to the music room today at 12:05. This is a final run through for all performers, so please bring your instrument and your lunch right at the lunch bell.
And lastly, there are still quite a few students that have not returned their festival permission forms. Please get yours handed in as soon as possible please.
Choir members are reminded that you will be meeting at lunch on Monday and Tuesday next week to prepare for the festival.
Would Mr. Slade’s Phys Ed class please meet in room 109 at the beginning of class.
Earth Week is coming soon - April 20-23. Will you take the Clean Commute Challenge? During that week, come to school in an earth-friendly way (bike, walk, carpool or transit - rather than driving). The class with the most people going green will win a pizza lunch! Check out the posters in the hallways and be kind to Mother Earth.
Take your skates home, any items not taken home will be donated to charity.
SWEEP students your time is up! please see Mrs. Dorash to arrange time to complete your projects if you haven’t already done so.