The final try-out for Grade 6 boys floor hockey goes today at noon.
Congratulations to the badminton team on their performance in Sherwood Park this past Saturday. JE Lapointe won the team aggregate with 19 points, the next closest school had 8.
All badminton players need to meet in the gym during the morning break for a brief meeting. This week’s practice schedule is on the athletic board.
Leduc Music Festival is this week for choir and band students. Final practices start today…
Combined Grade 7 band is this morning period 1 & 2
The choir is meeting today at 12:05
Tomorrow is combined Grade 6 band period 1 & 2
The choir is meeting again tomorrow at 12:05
And lastly, Jazz band is Wednesday morning at 7:30am
If you still have not handed in your permission form for the festival, please get it to Mrs. Baron by tomorrow!
Band members are also reminded to hand in their March practice sheets before the end of the month.
Earth Week is coming soon - April 20-23. Will you take the Clean Commute Challenge? During that week, come to school in an earth-friendly way (bike, walk, carpool or transit - rather than driving). The class with the most people going green will win a pizza lunch! Check out the posters in the hallways and be kind to Mother Earth.
Earth Week Bake Sale is on Friday at lunch. Bring your loonies or toonie to buy yummy snacks and support our Earth Week activities.
Option B School Spirit students who are making videos - please see Mr Jarman during morning break.
Verification packages will be going home with students this week, please complete and return by Friday, April 17. This packages confirms your childs' enrollment for 2015/16 school year.