Band members will be happy to hear that the last practice sheet of the year is now due. May practice will be accepted until Friday.
Grade 8’s: Don’t forget to get dressed up as a soc or greaser for Outsiders Day tomorrow
Attention all Jr. High track and field athletes...if you finished in the top 6 at your event at in Leduc, please see Mr. Mistol for your ribbons.
One more reminder that the Year End Band and Choir concert is tomorrow night from 7-8pm. Jazz band members are to be at the school by 6:15. All other band and choir members are to be here by 6:30pm. Please get your instrument & music and meet in the gym once you arrive. There will be an option to make a donation to the Thaddeus Lake Music Foundation, so bring a loonie or toonie if you want to make a contribution.
...And because of the concert, PE teachers are reminded that the gym will be used for concert set up and practice Thursday lunch and afternoon.
The talent show MC’s and Bandit crew are reminded that tomorrow is your lunch date with Mrs. Baron in the music room.
Choir members, and their choir buddies, are reminded to hand in their permission forms for the Telus Field trip. These forms are due by Friday, but the sooner you hand them in the better!
The last Pokemon Club of the year is happening tomorrow. Come on out for a mini-tournament and some fun prizes. The club will be running 3:15 - 4:30 in Mr. Bohun’s room.
Yearbooks are now on sale. $30 for a colour yearbook. Your parents can order online or you can pay with cash.
Junior high zone track - please meet in rm 119 at 12:05 today
Completed sweep projects need to be picked up by the end of the week. Reminder that if you have not completed your current project you need to touch base with Mrs. Dorash today or tomorrow to come up with a completion plan.
Name the courtyard!! Have an idea of what to name the rejuvenated school courtyard? bring your idea to rm 119.